Cedar Logs, Stones, Iron Nails, Gold, Silver and Bronze

“David said, ‘My son Solomon is still young and inexperienced.And since the Temple to be built for the LORD must be a magnificent structure, famous and glorious throughout the world, I will begin making preparations for it now. So David collected vast amounts of building materials before his death. I worked hard to provide materials for building the Temple of the LORD, nearly 4,000 tons of gold, 40,000 tons of silver, and so much iron and bronze that it cannot be weighed” junk-1-1423343-640x480

(I Chron. 22:5,14)

These verses and chapters 28 and 29 of I Chronicles spoke so deeply to my heart. First you have a father, King David, who in his final years is laboring to prepare to help his son fulfill his God given assignment, even after David has died. Secondly, I began to consider that when I wrote the book, The Mentoring Mom, I was providing some cedar logs, stones, nails and bronze for young moms in fulfilling their God given assignment of discipling (mentoring) their children and the children of their children’s friends! Last but not least, this summer has been filled with many random mentoring moments where Ken and I have given “nails, logs and some silver and gold” to help many of God’s girls who long to fulfill their God given purpose. Whether it was gold for a mission trip or silver wisdom helping two different girls decide which seminary would develop their unique gifting. We were able to give cedar logs of courage in processing the deep heart wound of abuse with a couple girls. These supplies for doing God’s Will continue to flow over the internet and AT&T from our home. Below are some of the recipients:

Devotion under the Stars

JACKIE: Tonight, we are talking about a lady of security and contentment! God has been so good Jackie! I will have to take a picture and send you one of all us girls! Tonight, we are going to be meeting super late because we all work during the day, so I am hoping to have a “Devotion Under the Stars” kind of night. It has been such a joy sharing with these girls your book and all you taught me at PBA! I cannot wait to see you in the fall! (Kelsey)

More: Cedar Logs, Iron Nails, Stones and Bronze

Oh Jackie Jackie Jackie!

I am so excited about all that God is doing. The Bible study went from 3 girls the first night to 11 girls last week. God is so good. This week we focused on Lady of Faith and when I tell you that I felt the Holy Spirit moving in each of those girls, Jackie I am getting the chills even thinking about it!! The girls had so much to say and so much to comment on about how faith is the only thing that sustains you. One of the girls opened up and shared her heart with the group about the struggles she had with her family back home, (she is from Barcelona) and she told us how the Lord is so faithful to those who just believe. She is now so excited about returning to Spain and sharing what she has learned. (We mailed this girl a Spanish version of Lady in Waiting-to share with others when she returns home.) Jackie I am so excited at all that He is teaching these girls! Continue to be praying for each and every one of the girls as they continue this journey to be a lady in waiting, waiting for the Lord’s best for their life. (Brittany)

So glad we are connected. I have begun reading your book “Lady in Waiting” it truly has changed my life. I am no longer on hold! 🙂 God Bless you (Micheleluce )

Have I told you lately how much I love you? Grateful beyond words for our phone time today. You’re the best! (Sami)

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