Do You Deal With Everyone This Way, O Sovereign LORD?

Every year when I am reading through the Bible, this passage ALWAYS rocks my soul. It is such a reflection of my soul’s stunned condition-even after knowing Jesus 47 years! II Samuel 7:

“Who am I, O Sovereign LORD and what is my family that you have brought me this far?(v. 18)

“Do you deal with everyone this way, O Sovereign LORD?” v.19

“What more can I say to you? You know what your servant is really like, Sovereign LORD?” v.20

Too often I have felt so spoiled by God that I want to shout out loud; “Do you deal withwaterfall of graceeveryone this way, O Sovereign LORD?” For two years I have been mentoring a young mother (via emails) who is learning how to allow God to bring good out of the broken places in her heart. Recently I had blessed her with some of my journaling nuggets and she concluded her thank you with the phrase, HEARTFULL-A Waterfall of Gratitude. Her remark just washed over me and it captured what II Samuel 7:18-20 caused in my soul, A Waterfall of Gratitude.

Have you had “A Waterfall of Gratitude” in your soul recently? You can share mine-just write out II Samuel 7:18-20 and place it somewhere to be seen regularly!

Waterfall of Gratitude,

Ken & Jackie

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