One morning while reading one of my favorite prophets’ writings, I came across this simple phrase that grabbed my heart.

“…in the environs of Jerusalem and in the cities of Judah, the flocks will again pass under the hands of the one who numbers them, says the LORD.” (Jer. 33:13)

When I read the phrase, the flocks will again pass under the hands of the one who numbers them…I immediately thought about the day I was born again when my life passed under the Nail scarred hands of Jesus, my Shepherd. On April 15, 1967, at a teen Bible Study my life passed under Nail scarred hands of Jesus. That day Jesus counted me as one of His Own. I left that friend’s house, and went home to begin to live a life WITHOUT LACK because I was counted as one of the sheep belonging to the ultimate Good Shepherd. That day which I clearly remember, was the beginning of an adventure with the frame of a LIFE WITHOUT LACK based on the authority of Psalm 23:1, “The LORD is my shepherd I shall not want (LACK).”

Do you remember the day you passed under the Nail scarred hands of Jesus? If you don’t remember the exact day, you probably remember the year. May this Easter season with so many pictures of shepherds and sheep be a reminder of the day when we passed under the hands of the Good Shepherd and were counted as one of His own sheep.

An additional thought is that the Angels declared the arrival of the Good Shepherd to a group of shepherds who were watching the sheep who had passed under their hands.

MAY WE REMEMBER and shine with the joy and confidence of ‘being counted ‘as one of Emmanuel’s own sheep.

Little Lamb

As we celebrate Easter and the Lamb of God’s sacrifice, may we never forget that because of Jesus’s nail scarred hands, you have been chosen by those hands and shepherded by those nail-scarred hands.

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices His life for the sheep.” John 10:14

P.S. “Agony and Ecstasy”

Here is a BONUS THOUGHT. When Jesus cried out in agony for the last time on the cross (Mark 15:37), His cry tore in two the curtain in the Temple that kept people separate from God. In that moment of AGONY, it started the ECSTASY for all those who follow Jesus. Because of Jesus’ AGONY, we can come boldly before Elohim daily (Heb. 4:15,16) that is Ecstasy!

Your Giving Keeps on Blessing Others

Because of your generous gifts to Power to Grow Ministries, we were able to donate a box of books to a home for moms and children at Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home. One of the directors Linda, saw my Balcony Chat and wrote me a letter about the impact I had on her life at a conference in Monroe, LA more than a decade ago. She was challenged to not waste her singleness, and the Lord is using her at this children’s home. Your gift blessed someone who said YES to making a difference.

Heaven will reveal all the people that your giving has impacted. All the people that I have taught through 65 Balcony Chats (Approximately 60,000 views), you share that ministry through your wonderful giving.

Love from Two of Emmanuel’s Sheep,

Ken and Jackie Kendall

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