Eight-Year-Old Reading Adult Books

BooksDuring the holidays while on FaceTime with Abigail (Ben’s firstborn) she mentioned wanting to show me something. She walks down into their basement that has living room, guest room, bath and mini-library. She then says to me, “Mimi, do you know what I have been doing lately down here in the basement?” I replied, “No idea sweet girl!” She shares the following that rocked Mimi’s soul to her core!  She said, “Mimi, when my siblings are going to watch a movie that I have seen MANY TIMES, I go down to the basement and I go to the shelf where all your books are and I take all your books Mimi and set them all across the couch. As I look at each book, I decided which book I am going to read a couple pages. She proceeds to tell me the ones that she has begun reading. As she showed me the books all lined up, I spotted the first devotional book I wrote and I squealed, “Abigail open the devotional book and look at the table of content for the devotional titled “Doodles the Poodle and Me.” Abigail finds it and begins to read the story to me and when she was done she said, “What an amazing miracle Mimi!” Tears filled my eyes as she began to tell me about reading a few pages in “Surrender Your Junior God Badge” and the week before she was reading a little from “Lady in Waiting”. Abigail just turned 8 and she is reading Mimi’s books. It was a Christmas gift for my heart.

“Stories we have heard and known, stories our ancestors handed down to us. We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD and His power and His might wonders.”  (Psalm 78:3,4)

Ministry Letter:

I shared my story at a halfway house last week. I shared about how you told me to get in the word of God and you didn’t pray for me as I asked you to do. You said that kind of pain takes getting in His word. (The murder of my best friend) Leisa Dayana Bussert. She was named after Moshe Dayan the eye patch General who led Israel to re capture Jerusalem!! God didn’t waste my pain He has given me a love for His people His Festivals and His Land. It was birthed through reading His Word!!! Best thing to tell me to do! Jackie your messages are recovery on steroids for me!( Linda Giljam)

Because of our fantastic Power to Grow support team, we are able to give away this invaluable resource as a gift for you this Christmas. Our friend Linda Wells spent 2022 completing the typing, formatting, and saving of 750 pages worth of my journaling notes based on the One Year Bible (New Living Translation).

To get a copy of my TNT (Tiny Nuggets of Truth) you simply write me a personal email requesting the notes. When I receive your request for the gift, I will send a zip file containing 12 PDF files, one for each month. You can open and save them to your computer. The zip file will include a letter, that tells the story behind the birth of my TNT journaling notes.

To get this GIFT from Power to Grow Inc.

Send your request to: jackie@jackiekendall.com

A Word for the Kendalls in the New Year


“Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.” (Psalm 92:14)

May the Kendall Team Be Vital and Green in 2023,

Ken and Jackie Kendall

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